Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Special Film Reports. 1944 - 1945. GEN. STILWELL'S FORCES ADVANCE THROUGH NORTHERN BURMA [ETC.]


Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Special Film Reports. 1944 - 1945. GEN. STILWELL'S FORCES ADVANCE THROUGH NORTHERN BURMA [ETC.]


Part 1, Stilwell and Chinese officers plan a move. Chinese battle in the Hukawng Valley. Part 2 (duplicated in CB 31, part 2), barrels are used for revetments at Nettuno, It. Part 3 (Reel 2) demonstrates Brit. rescuing in the Channel. An SOS is received; a boat is dropped; survivors raise the radio kite, rig sails, and are rescued. Part 4, a seaplane tender battles a surfaced submarine. Part 5, ships down 3 planes off the Marianas. Part 6 (Reel 3), a mortar crew on Bougainville dismantles, transports, and sets up a heavy mortar. Part 7, the 1st Special Service Force plans a raid in the Anzio (It.) area and captures Germans. Part 8 shows materials in Brit. depots. Russ. officers watch an invasion demonstration.

Film Reel

eng, Latn

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